I'm sitting here in Multimedia. And I'm looking over Tegan's computer and she's watching The Flaming Lips. LOL, intense, hardcore.
Bahh, Nicole meanwhile, is on Twitter. And Troy, on the other hand, is concentrating on his Flash project thing. I'm half-listening. And Troy just told me his new move - 'the undetectable touch'. Yeahh, hardcore. I need to go to the toilet. BRB.
nicole goodwin.
space race.

Anyway, we've got ceramics tomorrow arvo and seriously, I'm so over making pots, especially thrown ones. They're so hard!!! Arghhh! And most of us are like full-on frustrated and shit, it's not funny. Today, I've been looking at one of those cool beanies. Sure, they're guys' ones but they look really warm and comfy. 'Evan' has them. :P
I gotta scoot now kiddos, Supernatural's about to start. And I think SBS is airing Flight of the Conchords right now...Ahh, I love both shows...which one to watch?!? :O
FLASH oohhhhh
Soooo like, I'm sitting here in my Multimedia class at 10.15 in the morning and I'm feeling a bit grumpy cos it's sort of frustrating and shit. And also, I need to go to the toilet and maybe get some food and stuff.
Rosie took a photo of Evan on the bus. It's amazing! He looks sooo cute and I'm jealous cos she's seen him twice and I haven't! GRR. *Angry Bear-throws honey-grumbles* And Troy is sitting really far away from us. Nawww. I'm grumpy. GRRness. We have Photography later on today so that should be funner (?) cos Tony will make us laugh and shit like that. Bahh, dinner tonight with my friends before Ash, Ben & Kate leave for Thailand. And HOPEFULLY chilling out with my bestie Justin tomorrow night too. :) I haven't seen him in sooo long and I miss him heaps.
Fuck this shit.
Rosie took a photo of Evan on the bus. It's amazing! He looks sooo cute and I'm jealous cos she's seen him twice and I haven't! GRR. *Angry Bear-throws honey-grumbles* And Troy is sitting really far away from us. Nawww. I'm grumpy. GRRness. We have Photography later on today so that should be funner (?) cos Tony will make us laugh and shit like that. Bahh, dinner tonight with my friends before Ash, Ben & Kate leave for Thailand. And HOPEFULLY chilling out with my bestie Justin tomorrow night too. :) I haven't seen him in sooo long and I miss him heaps.
Fuck this shit.
bouncy, bouncy
So me and my TAFE crew are now back to school and it's actually pretty exciting since I haven't seen them in awhile (well, apart from that time when we all hung out at Chaddy and watched The Hangover) and it's good to make more artworks with them :)
I took these photos on Friday cos I thought we needed to bring our 45 degree photos for Photography in the afternoon, but we didn't. We played around Photoshop instead. We had Multimedia in the morning and Digital Photography in the afternoon, so pretty much, we're in front of the computer all day and it'll kill our eyes. SUCKS SHIT.
I haven't been up to much. I was forced to miss Ben's 21st last night, which sucks hardcore, but I promised him that I would want to see him before he goes to Thailand with Ash & Kate. Umm, I'm not really planning on going to a lot of parties now that I'm back at TAFE cos I wanna focus on that so I could hopefully get into my preferred uni next year. Ahh, good luck with that. I can't wait for Tegan's art exhibition at her workplace (which is a resto/bar and some sort of gallery as well) cos her works are really cool. I could actually compare them to Andrew Pommier's subject matter but her's is really detailed and stuff. And one of Troy's work which he entered in the TAFE Art Fair went third in the competition and it's gonna be in RMIT and he's invited me, Rosie and Nicole to come on the 30th of July for the opening thing. :) It's amazinggg!:D We might get to drink free champers and stuff so it should be good :)
Anyway kiddos, I gotsa scoot! I'm gonna go out soon! :)
PS: I had this whole Mighty Boosh dream! Everyone was there, Vince and Howard, Tommy Nooka, The Hitcher, Charlie the Bubblegum, Bob Fossil, Tony Harrison and OMG, Saboo. For some reason I have this little crush on him. It's weird. Haha.
PPS: Bouncy, bouncy, ooh such a good time
Bouncy, bouncy, shoes all in a line
Bouncy, bouncy, everybody somersault
Somersault summertime everybody singalong
Bouncy, bouncy, ooh such a good time
Bouncy, bouncy, white socks slipping down
Bouncy, bouncy, stilettos are a no-no
Bouncy, bouncy ooh
Bouncy, bouncy ohh
Everytime I bounce I feel I touch the skyyyy
(That crimp has been stuck in my head alllllll week!)
somwhere over the rainbow.
So, I've gone back to TAFE after a month-long holiday. It was bittersweet. But I wanted to see my friends again and our teachers and stuff, and like, find out whether there were any new subjects coming up whatsoever. We do have one new subject, actually, and it's got something to do with multimedia. It should be a fun subject cos we're gonna use computers and other stuff. I'm not particularly good when it comes to like, making sites and such cos I only learned basic HTML stuff from high school back in the Philippines. So, it's gonna be a bit challenging for me. But I'm sure the teacher's there to guide us through all that.
I'm gonna be heading off to Chaddy in like 10 mins with my friend Tammy cos we're gonna see the new Harry Potter movie! We're pretty siked about it, since we've been waiting for quite a long time. I guess the next one from the movie list would be New Moon then probs Bruno with Elise as well. I still wanna see Angels & Demons since I've read the book like almost a month ago.
Anyhoos, I gotta skedadlle and I'll catch you guys on the flipside!:D
PS: Went to Nat's party last Saturday night. Check out pics on Facebook. Wiki still hasn't put her photos up, but I'm sure Elise's ultimate nagging power would make her do it soon :D
So like, I'm pretty bored at the moment. Well extremely bored. I had someone come in and do a routine house inspection since we're renting the house and stuff. That was boring. And then she left and then it was just me and my brother. And that's boring again cos he was in his room playing PS2 and I was in my room just chillin and on the Internet.
I grabbed my two copies of Frankie magazine and sort of just flicked the pages and I had an idea. I listed down every single (well, hopefully every single...) clothing/accessories website that I could find and wrote it down on my little notebook. After that I hopped into one of them and checked what the site was like. I liked some of the stuff they sell but like most of them are just beyond ridiculous. This one label was selling a plain gray shirt for almost $400. You could sooo buy one that may look exactly like it at K-mart or like, Target for less than $20. Jeeze.
But anyway, I looked at Fossil and sort of liked this watch. I might get it for myself soon :) Aaand, I also like this necklace I found on www.limedrop.com:
It's sooo cute.
Anyway, I'm working tonight and tomorrow night. So it shouldn't be that bad...plus it's Monday today so it should be quiet at work. And so does for tomorrow night. Thank God I'm not working Wednesday cos it could be hell. I'm chillin with my lil bro, Andre, and we're going to Chaddy to go and see Year One. We both love Jack Black hencewhy we're seeing it :) Aaaand maybe a stop over at Dangerfield so I could get another leather jacket. I have to make a list for Wednesday, otherwise it'll be hell on Friday and Saturday if I don't get myself ready. I'm excited for Friday night cos I have my two of my favourite girls ever staying the night :) Then we'll party it up @ Nat's on Saturday night along with our workmates :) Should be a sickk night :)
I gotta scoot kiddos, till another post!
I grabbed my two copies of Frankie magazine and sort of just flicked the pages and I had an idea. I listed down every single (well, hopefully every single...) clothing/accessories website that I could find and wrote it down on my little notebook. After that I hopped into one of them and checked what the site was like. I liked some of the stuff they sell but like most of them are just beyond ridiculous. This one label was selling a plain gray shirt for almost $400. You could sooo buy one that may look exactly like it at K-mart or like, Target for less than $20. Jeeze.
But anyway, I looked at Fossil and sort of liked this watch. I might get it for myself soon :) Aaand, I also like this necklace I found on www.limedrop.com:
It's sooo cute.
Anyway, I'm working tonight and tomorrow night. So it shouldn't be that bad...plus it's Monday today so it should be quiet at work. And so does for tomorrow night. Thank God I'm not working Wednesday cos it could be hell. I'm chillin with my lil bro, Andre, and we're going to Chaddy to go and see Year One. We both love Jack Black hencewhy we're seeing it :) Aaaand maybe a stop over at Dangerfield so I could get another leather jacket. I have to make a list for Wednesday, otherwise it'll be hell on Friday and Saturday if I don't get myself ready. I'm excited for Friday night cos I have my two of my favourite girls ever staying the night :) Then we'll party it up @ Nat's on Saturday night along with our workmates :) Should be a sickk night :)
I gotta scoot kiddos, till another post!
it feels like grand final day.
It was an American - themed party and it was pretty intense. I saw Zac Efron, Elvis, some grunge chick (LOL), cheerleaders, Miss USA and some random American businessmen. It was a fun night and it sort of ended up fun still. I went home cos I badly missed my bed so yeah...and then as soon as I got in the house, I went straight in the bathroom to well...umm, 'take it all out'. Yeah, my friends, I was sick. And I actually slept all day today :)
More photos up on Myspace and Facebook!:D
PS: Go Sainters! :)

I only got myself a 1 litre bottle of OJ, and unfortunately it's not Sunny D since my local supermarket doesn't sell that and besides, we're not in America. So yeah, sucks. I'm gonna mix my OJ with vodka so I'm gonna be set for tonight. (Don't I just sound like an alcoholic just then?!?) My Mum bought me this vest that looks like what your grandpa would wear on those cold winter nights. But Juno wears one in the movie too :) Haha. Honest to blog, I'm more excited for Nat's party cos you know why? I'm with the usual people at Ash's. So it's gonna be the usual people and the usual party. I hope it turns out not the way I see it though. Cos I would like Ash to have an awesome party. Which reminds me, I gotta make a playlist.
After Ash's party, I've got Nat's next Saturday. That should be pretty sweet too since I'm hanging out with people at work. I'm excited to see what they're like out of work. I reckon it's gonna be hilarious :D I've got Wiki and Tammy staying at my house on Friday night cos my parents and my little brother are going to Ballarat and they'll be leaving in the arvo. Which means I'll have to pick up Wiki from work then head straight to mine and have a girls' night in :) I told - no, wait - I promised my Dad that I will not sneak in guys. But as if they'd know anyway. I don't think it's gonna be a late night on Friday anyway cos Wiki's got dayshift at work the following day. So I guess we'll just have dinner and maybe a huge catch-up when she gets here on Friday night :) Then after all that, we're gonna get ready to go to Nat's and we'll probs taxi it just in case it rains :)
I wanna go back to Dangerfield on Wednesday so I can get another leather jacket. I wanna wear it to Nat's + my black Doc Martens' boots. Hardcore. Lol.
Anyway kiddos, I'm off. Hopefully another blogpost tomorrow with photos from Ash's birthday party :)
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