

This piece went into our annual art exhibition and I think this is one of my favourite pieces that I've put in.
Haven't really blogged much in a while, I even exported this blog to Wordpress but it was a pain in the ass to edit every single post so I deleted it. LOL. I'll eventually manage two blogs but I don't know what the other blog's gonna be about. 
We've officially finished TAFE last Friday which is such a good feeling since we don't have to wake up early anymore! :) I had to work last night and it came to a point where I was thinking that I have to wake up early, then I realised I'm finished with TAFE! HA! :)
Anyway, one other obstacle we have to face is our interviews. I've got one with Monash and I really, really hope it goes well! I spoke to someone at Riot! Art in Southland and she said that Monash interviewers are really nice. So that's good to know!
I gotta scoot now kiddos, hopefully a blog post about Thursday! :) Ciao!


art exhibition

Yep, it's almost the end of the year for us art students and to follow the annual tradition, we have organised the end-of-year exhibition. It'll be on the 19th of November, from 6pm - 8pm and at Bldg 2, Level 2, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE - Chadstone Campus.

My fellow artists (Nicole, Troy, Rosie, Tegan, Juliette, Daniel, Leanne, Raha and Dayle) and I will be there to ask any questions about our respective artworks and hopefully to be able to sell them as well (NB: Not all artists will be selling work).

Drinks and nibbles will be provided. Any queries or more information, please visit the link provided.



Whatever, minga...
I'm so tired from work last night and now I'm at TAFE, ughhh life sucks.
Then I'm gonna leave early so I don't have to go to Photography and then probs go to Chaddy so I can get my stuff printed out and finish my Photography work :) Yaaaay
Our Multimedia teacher's late GODDD.
Rosie's doing our slideshow for our exhibition and Nicole's on Twitter and Troy just got here.
I'm tired.


hellz yeah.

So like, I read that this album will be in JB-HIFI stores today, so I went to the Chadstone branch and they've already sold-out and this dude who works there told me they're gonna put out 13 copies. When he said that I absolutely hit the roof. 13 FUCKING COPIES?!? If it sold out today, wouldn't you put out more than 13 copies?!? Whaaa? In the end, I decided to go Southland instead and see if they've got it in stock. I was pretty sure that I was gonna come home empty handed - and I did. This time, this dude blamed the record label for being so slow with giving them the copies for them to sell. So I said, fair enough, I'll just come back next week and hopefully - FUCKING HOPEFULLY - I get a copy.

I went home and went straight to my Mac and went into iTunes and checked the iTunes Store andddd they have already started selling the album. Good thing about it is that I can preview/sample the tunes and that's exactly what I did. I really wanted to buy this album cos I wanna hear 'The Comedown', 'Diamonds Aren't Forever' and 'Football Season Is Over; remixed with some drum&bass and slick beats :)

Anyhoos, two weeks of TAFE left and I'm so fricken excited!!! We're planning our end-of-year exhibition and me and Nicole are in charge of the invitations which has been approved today by the school and ready to be printed out! At least we got it off our backs and ready to focus on making our artworks for the exhibition. It kinda sucks though cos my ceramic pieces blew up in the kiln, and with 2 weeks left, I don't think I'll be able to make new ones. I could, but it won't be as good as the first set. Ohhh (hot dayummm).

I gotta scoot kiddos, I gotta wake up early for my driving lesson. Sucks shit that I have to work tomorrow night in a 30 degree weather. Cool change, you better be coming soon! :) Lataazzz!


sup sup?

I exactly don't know what we're supposed to do at the moment. Argh.
Whateva mingaaaa LOL



So, I believe you should check out some photos of me wearing my bear mask yesterday. Nicole Goodwin took photos of me at TAFE. And I believe some were taken while we were on the train to Flinders too. Yum tofu burgers...yesss.


Check it! :D