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So, I don't really know where to start, since it has been almost a week since I last posted.
Holidays are crazy. There's always nothing to do, even though my mum asks me to do stuff around work. (Do you get me? LOL) It's generally boring. It's true that I've caught up with some people whom I haven't seen in a while and am actually surprised that I get to spend time with them a lot more than I thought. Work sucks at the moment, cos I would have expected my manager to have given me a lot shifts since I'm on holidays, but unfortunately, I haven't been working a lot. It's such a bummer cos I don't have money, and am constantly bumming off money from my mum. Which sucks even more is that I don't get that $900 stimulus package from K-Rudd. DAMN.
Since I am so poor at the moment, I am saving so I could pay my latest phone bill, got Volleys instead of Converse and got my jeans from JayJays instead of Country Road. LOL, not that I'm complaining about it or anything...but it's actually pretty good. It does sound that I am desperate for money, but realistically, I'm not. I do thank God for Maccas for their cheap food and also thank my mum for her amazing homecooked meals (LOL). I don't go out much anymore. I don't see the point of going out and spending more money, when I am on a crisis at the moment. (But hey, it's not fun if you're always at home though...) I miss being a full-timer now...*Sigh*
I had a fairly good day today. Spent time with my bestie, Justin, met up with him at Charcoal Chicken cos I wanted lunch since there was nothing at home. We went back to my place so I could show him around the new house. He liked it and said it was big and I thought it's cos he was used to seeing my small house :) He reckons I could have a lot of parties at my place cos of the big backyard and spacious lounge room (he's already shotgun my bedroom for sleepovers) HAHA. We went apeshit with my Photo Booth in my Macbook and I've posted it on Myspace if you want to have a look. I was meant to go with him to Ross' tonight, but I couldn't cos I wasn't feeling too good earlier tonight, so I passed. It would've have been nice though to catch up with other people :)
During the holidays, I've been hooked on Scrubs lately. They're showing the new season on channel 7 at the moment and me and my brother are gonna watch it. He likes it as well, even though he doesn't really understand most of the jokes there...Hehe...But yeah, I like that show. I missed Supernatural too. Channel 10's stopped airing them. So sad :( Can't see my favourite boys, Dean and Sam Winchester... :(
Anyways, I've gotta go. Scrubs is nearly on!:)
Hello all!
I am now at the new house all settled in and stuff. My desk is the old kitchen table (LOL), but it fits well in my room. I've got my CDs stacked, then DVDs and all my Monster Children magazines stacked up neatly. My closet still needs a bit more stuff in them - I mean clothes that is. And I also need a tallboy and maybe a mirror stuck inside the closet. I've also got my two guitars near the bed but I think that's going to be replaced with a sidetable. But that's ok, I still got plenty of space in my bedroom to put stuff in. It's still a bit boring considering I got used to the fact that my closet doors were filled with posters of bands, but since I haven't started decorating my room, it's really white, plain and dull...I'm gonna get started on it after I run errands for mum :)
Anyways, TAFE holidays are on, which means, no potato cakes, bubble cups after TAFE (Rosie!), no Sue and Tony and yeah, no fun without them :( But that's ok, cos there's an upside to it! I get to work extra, earn extra moolah, get to hang out with besties, and probs get invited to more parties. Adam's 21st was the first party in the first week of holidays, so it was pretty sweet! (That night went well by the way...)
For some reason, I woke up feeling like I needed to watch kiddie shows, so I tuned to ABC and watched Sesame Street, Caillou (I think that's how you spell it), Postman Pat, and that In the Garden somethingsomething shit. And I think there's more going on at the moment, but I ceebz watching anymore cos I'm on my blog.
I have to take photos for that Photography homework for Tony: "fuzzy-wuzzy", formalist and shape & form. Damn. And work on my visual diary with research for the next painting project for Sue. Thank god it's not a lot, cos I haven't started taking photos, but I'm sort of ahead for painting. I already miss TAFE it's not funny. I get bored easily and doing art makes me busy all the time and forget problems and whatnot.
Anyways, I gotta go cos my brother's waiting for me so we can duplicate the keys to the new house, post a letter, and probs grab lunch somewhere. He's been waiting for a potato cake for a while, too bad Charcoal Chicken was closed yesterday. HAHA, so I'm treating him today. (I'm a nice sister)
xPS: Cos I was so bored last night after work and couldn't sleep, I gathered all the photos of me and Justin or only me or only Justin and I realised that there are more than 40 photos all up. I'm soooo making him one of those photo album thingies that Moyi (Adam's GF) did for Adam's 21st. Watch out Justin!
I am so bored.
And we're moving some stuff to the new house later on when Dad gets home. That means, I can put my moving clothes on. LOL, no, not the overalls. HAHA.
Butttt, I am psyched about tomorrow. Chaco in the morning, and I'm planning to leave school earlier. Party @ The Hawthorne for Adam's 21st.
OH NO, staff meeting @ 9am on Saturday. EEEK, I'm gonna be hungover like Chris and Alex. That'll be funny. I'll struggle so much just listening to Stef, Laura and Kapil. Ohh well. Plus I'm working on Saturday night as well. And then I'll be dead on Sunday. *SIGH*
My Myspace was so busy last night. Photo comments here and there, and a few comments as well. I was still awake around 12am-ish and I decided to check up on Matt cos I can. And then we just started talking through commenting each other. That was pretty silly, but hey, apparently I made him feel nice and popular. LOL And Millie sent me back a comment as well. :) I felt the love all around me :)
Me and Mum checked out the house just a while ago and planned where everything's going. It's pretty intense. I just realised that I don't get a desk cos my Mum's got one and my old desk was now given to my brother since he gets a computer. And since I have a Macbook, apparently I don't need a desk cos I can work on the bed or take it anywhere else around the house. BUT NO. I am an art student and a desk is a must. :) So my Mum suggested the round table that's sitting in the lounge room at the moment. I reckon it's a big round table and with that sitting in my bedroom, it'll take a lot of space. Damn. So I'm working my way around getting a desk somewhere cheap. Probs go look at garage sales or op-shops. :) Hehe.
Aaaanyways, I gotsa go kiddos. More labelling and packing to do! :)
So this is our substitute teacher, Will Eicholtz. We visited his studio this morning adn went to the city with him so he can show us around art galleries and stuff, and it was pretty amazing. I took photos of his studio but I choose not to upload them onto here because it's a private studio and I respect his work. It was pretty intense being into someone's studio cos it's an actual working studio and not just some replica of a studio. We were asked not to touch anyone else's artwork since he shares the studio with 4 more other artists. We did meet one of the artists there named Annie and she does these marvelous etchings and we had a peek at her tiny little studio.
Will's studio is full of ideas and when we got there, we kind of felt at home because it is the sort of environment we're used to. His studio was like a massive visual diary where you can walk into and take photos of and actually discuss with someone else. We also went 'gallery crawling' as Sue would say in class. We went to Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Grand Hyatt Hotel where some artworks are displayed such as Bridgewater's works, fortyfivedownstairs, Gallery 101, Stephen McLaughlan Gallery and others. Here is Will pictured with one of his most beautiful artworks.
I can't really upload all 80 other photos in here so here's the link to the photos that I took from today. I dunno if I'm gonna end up uploading all of it, so don't be disappointed if you only see 10 or so. I'll upload a few every now and then for your enjoyment :)
Anyways, till here. I'm gonna drift off to sleep cos I'm so tired and it's really warm today in Melbourne it's ridiculous. Come on winter! Where are you?!?