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art gallery crawl.
So this is our substitute teacher, Will Eicholtz. We visited his studio this morning adn went to the city with him so he can show us around art galleries and stuff, and it was pretty amazing. I took photos of his studio but I choose not to upload them onto here because it's a private studio and I respect his work. It was pretty intense being into someone's studio cos it's an actual working studio and not just some replica of a studio. We were asked not to touch anyone else's artwork since he shares the studio with 4 more other artists. We did meet one of the artists there named Annie and she does these marvelous etchings and we had a peek at her tiny little studio.
Will's studio is full of ideas and when we got there, we kind of felt at home because it is the sort of environment we're used to. His studio was like a massive visual diary where you can walk into and take photos of and actually discuss with someone else. We also went 'gallery crawling' as Sue would say in class. We went to Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Grand Hyatt Hotel where some artworks are displayed such as Bridgewater's works, fortyfivedownstairs, Gallery 101, Stephen McLaughlan Gallery and others. Here is Will pictured with one of his most beautiful artworks.
I can't really upload all 80 other photos in here so here's the link to the photos that I took from today. I dunno if I'm gonna end up uploading all of it, so don't be disappointed if you only see 10 or so. I'll upload a few every now and then for your enjoyment :)
Anyways, till here. I'm gonna drift off to sleep cos I'm so tired and it's really warm today in Melbourne it's ridiculous. Come on winter! Where are you?!?
Ookay, so if you've read this post before and tried to look for a link to the photos - I forgot to type them. BUT, if you're my friend on Myspace, check them out, the album's on public so yeah, you can comment them and stuff.
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