
so like, yeah...

It's only 2 more days till Battle of the Bands, and I'm actually pretty siked about it. I haven't been to a gig/show lately so I guess this is another first. My best friend Justin, put me on the guestlist so I should be able to get in for free which is absolutely sweet and Matt & Chloe get in for free cos John's using Matt's guitar since his is broken (or something like that...) and cos Justin's paying for their passes.

I have been on holidays for almost a week. So it's 1 down and 3 weeks to go. I need to go back to TAFE to get my other shit, otherwise if I don't pick them up by the 19th, they're gonna throw it away which will suck since I put a lot of effort into it. I've been working lately and that's about it, I was meant to work tonight, but I fucked my back for some reason and it sort of feels paralyzed at the moment. So yeah, I'm no use with a sore back so I got someone else to cover my shift. And I feel a little bit crook after last night. Haha, I got overly stoned so I chucked in front of a friend's house. Gahhh, nasty shit. But yeah, I learned to stay away from double chambers. LOL and I don't think my bestie was impressed with that. Uh-oh.

Anyways, I've just checked my results for my 1st semester and I'd say I did really well. I got 4 HDs (High Distinction) out of 6 subjects, and the rest were Ds (Distinction...or something like that). So yeah, awesome!:D I seriously thought I was gonna fail photography, but obviously not. :)

I gotta scoot kiddos, probs another post later on tonight when I can be bothered :D


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