
art exhibition

Yep, it's almost the end of the year for us art students and to follow the annual tradition, we have organised the end-of-year exhibition. It'll be on the 19th of November, from 6pm - 8pm and at Bldg 2, Level 2, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE - Chadstone Campus.

My fellow artists (Nicole, Troy, Rosie, Tegan, Juliette, Daniel, Leanne, Raha and Dayle) and I will be there to ask any questions about our respective artworks and hopefully to be able to sell them as well (NB: Not all artists will be selling work).

Drinks and nibbles will be provided. Any queries or more information, please visit the link provided.

1 comment:

  1. The title of this blog post directs you to the Holmesglen link with all other details regarding the exhibition.
