
molly's chambers' gonna change your mind.

I have actually come to realise how much I love Kings of Leon. I'm soo sorry, but I really just have to put it out there. It's just too bad I wasn't able to see them live this year. Last year was still memorable. Had the chance to go to Sound Relief as well, but I was just too poor to buy myself a ticket. *SIGH* I'm so disappointed in myself. *SIGH* Oh well, I'm pretty sure there'll be a next time. And when there's a next time I sure am first in line. :)

Right now, I have also come to realise how bad it's gonna be tomorrow. I've got OH&S tomorrow morning, then Ceramics in the afternoon. Colour theory isn't that bad; hopefully Sue's gonna be in tomorrow. To top it all of, I've got a two hour shift at work tomorrow night with the worst manager ever. And I absolutely hate him because he sits in the office doing absolute jackshit. It enrages me. GRRR. ROOOOARRR. I officially HATE Tuesdays from now on. I really, really do.

Oh yeah, I won't be seeing 'Dad' (meaning Tony) for a month cos he's gone to the US to see his real daughter and then we've got school holidays for two weeks so I'm pretty sure he'll be back after that.

Molly's Chambers is playing. Love.

Good morning everyone! :) Hope you guys have a lovely Tuesday! :)

PS: Add me on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/blackbeartooth. My email add for that one is: orange_jello696@yahoo.com. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. so. it was totally wrong. i actually enjoyed ceramics today and did a lot of work for it. umm, didn't mind working with the worst manager ever so yeah...wow.
